You have created the play which is the centre of the Forum experience but it sits into a larger structure as seen here. Take a look at a simple way of arranging the event:
We are going to fit together all these parts.
For the rest of the day we shall try to create a situation as close as we can to giving a performance in your community, but we shall do it in stages. For each attempt your group should perform to other groups. They will attempt to behave like a community group. After performing to them ask:
Re-work any sections which were not clear to your colleagues.
Then we shall rehearse the interventions:
With the same set up as above, start with the Facilitator telling the audience how they can shout STOP and intervene and then begin the second run of the play. This will give you more time for practising the interventions.
Don’t be scared of the interventions. I know that everything changes but you will be ready for it if you stay in character and do what you think that character will do.
Think of it like this: you don’t write a script for when you are going to have a discussion with a friend, you naturally develop ideas, agree, push back, try out ideas etc.
Forum Theatre is a live discussion but it is on stage. Take the same easy approach as you would when talking with a friend. Enjoy the interaction.
When rehearsing the interventions ask if you are successful in:
As you work through each group performing for others you will start to see the mechanisms of Forum Theatre and to realise how you can work with new ideas to test them as solutions.
Be Brave - you may still be thinking:
“How do I act or react during an audience intervention?”
Let’s think it through.
We know that all this may still seem quite worrying because there is no way that you can know what will happen.
Just think of the fact that Forum Theatre is like a large conversation around an issue and in a conversation you don’t know what will be said. However you are still able to take part in that conversation by listening and reacting and working through your ideas.
If you can take part in a conversation then, with all your acting skills, you can work through ideas in Forum Theatre too.
Lose your fear and jump in. The more you do it the easier it gets.
Finally let’s consider what happens after this training...
The future
Of course this intensive course has not given you every single detail of Forum Theatre but it has given you the skills, the structures and the possibility of making effective Forum Theatre events. You can now go and work in and with your local community to make plays which are relevant to them. By doing that you will change things for them and you will learn from the experience how to improve, how to fine-tune your Forum Theatre so that it engages more people, stimulates your audiences to want change and yes, you will start to save lives.
As in so many things you will learn enormously by doing the work. You will identify any obstacles and find ways of overcoming them. Stay in touch with other groups doing this kind of work, form a network and learn from each other’s challenges and successes.
Good luck and we hope that one day we will see your work in action.